9/21 Workshop
Select the workshop you are interested in and register here.
The presentation of artwork in the Chinese classroom
Speech-language: English and Chinese (It depends on the audience’s native language)
Jiabei Li (Mark Twain Middle School) & Frances Fu (Horace Mann School)
From notes to rhyme, from lines to patterns, practical lesson plans are used: poetry creation, all-around iBook, making short music videos, integrating art into Chinese course; there are also examples of using The Differentiator and Koala.
从音符到韵律,从线条到图案,用实际教案: 诗歌创作,全方位iBook,制作音乐短视频,将艺术融入中文课程;同时也有运用The Differentiator以及Koala的实例说明。
Chinese Lexicon & Grammar Pedagogy
Speech-language: Chinese
Hsin-fu Chiu (CAL STATE LA) & Yuwen Yao (UCLA)
如何定位字詞教學與對待之,需要我們重新思考。語法教學的目的旨在為幫助學習者做語言知識的轉換,能順利將「陳述性 (declarative) 知識」應用成為「程式性 (procedural) 知識」。 隨著學習者知識轉換過程的進行,教學策略得適時調整改變,這樣也才能實踐「語意優先、聚焦形式 (focus-on-form) 教學法」的精神。本語法工作坊將以樣本教案分享初、中級語法教學和操作。
如何定位字词教学与对待之,需要我们重新思考。语法教学的目的旨在为帮助学习者做语言知识的转换,能顺利将「陈述性 (declarative) 知识」应用成为「程式性 (procedural) 知识」。 随着学习者知识转换过程的进行,教学策略得适时调整改变,这样也才能实践「语意优先、聚焦形式 (focus-on-form) 教学法」的精神。本语法工作坊将以样本教案分享初、中级语法教学和操作。
Extensive Reading – What? Why? and How?
多読 – What? Why? and How?
Yuka Kumagai (USC)
Speech-language: English and Japanese (It depends on the audience’s native language)
What is 多読-Extensive Reading for the language learners? USC has been offering “Extensive Reading in Japanese I & II” courses since 2013. Based on this 10-year experience, this workshop introduces how to incorporate Extensive Reading in the language curriculum. We will talk about the teachers’ role, benefit for the students, the actual course plans, the appropriate reading materials, as well as foreseeable issues. In small groups, the participants will try to create level-appropriate reading materials by rewriting famous stories.
CBI Approach to AP 6 Themes Material Developments: Using “Chinese Culinary” and “Payment system” as an Example
针对AP 六大课程主题之内容本位教材编纂:以吃和支付系统为例
Speech-language: English and Chinese (It depends on the audience’s native language)
Ying Jin (Cupertino High School) &Ying Zhang (Montgomery Bell Academy)
Rethinking TBLT: The Role of Deconstructed Tasks in TBLT
Hong Gang Jin (Hamilton College)
任务教学是二语教学领域的一个主流教学方法,尽管如此,其方法论上仍有 一些断层、空白之处,值得完善、改进。本工作坊旨在任务教学设计原则的基础上,提出一个新的任务教学课堂模式,即“任务分解教学”。这一教学法强调任务教学不能以整体任务为唯一的教学单位,而需要将任务分解为学习者可操作、可学习的三个内在单位:1)有任务内容的语言、交际要素,即任务要素(task essentials); 2) 实施任务的基本框架,即任务框架(task framework); 3)携带不同沟通模式的真实任务 (authentic tasks)。本工作坊将使用多个项目教师的实际教学设计案例,向听众展示任务分解教学的三个具体步骤:即设标、达标、验标。除此而外,本报告还将提供完成三个教学步骤的八个课堂任务教学程序(如设标时使用的话题/任务组织图程序、为达标设计的三套教学程序:任务要素的选择、呈现、实施, 任务框架的两类活动设计, 真实任务的操作流程整理,验标时使用的评估验证程序等),最后将展示四套实用的教学技巧:即课堂4单设计
:1)任务要素提问互动单,2)任务框架活动单,3)真实任务操作单,4)任务评估单 (最后一部分取决于工作坊时间是否允许)。
As we know, task-based language teaching (TBLT) is a mainstream teaching approach in the second language (L2) field. However, pedagogical gaps and holes remain to be resolved in TBLT. This workshop proposes a new pedagogical approach termed “deconstructed tasks in TBLT” (DTBLT). The new approach adheres to the general principles of TBLT but advocates NOT to use a task as the only basic unit of analysis for classroom teaching. DTBLT emphasizes on deconstructing a task based on its internal structures into three learnable and manageable sub-units, which are task essentials that contain task content and communicative forms and functions, task framework that allows learner to break a task into several sub-tasks, and authentic tasks that contain three communicative modes. The three essential elements of a task are believed to help L2 learners acquire a second language according to human cognitive system and established learning theories. Based on the operationalization of task deconstruction, this workshop will use real examples of design to provide participants with 8 key classroom DTBLT procedures in a three-stage teaching process (goal setting, goal achievement, and goal assessment) and 4 sets of detailed teaching techniques of implementation, namely, teacher’s interactive questions on task essentials, activity design for task framework, task specifications for authentic tasks, and task assessment rubric (The last part is provided if the workshop time is allowed).
Select the workshop you are interested in and register here.