Last Details for the 5th Forum at University of Puget Sound, Tacoma WA

Last Details, Oct. 25-26, 2019
Tacoma, WA

WiFi Connection on Puget Sound Campus for Conference Weekend:

Dear Forum Participants, 

On behalf of the Forum’s organizing committee, we would like to extend our welcome to your participation in the 5th Chinese Innovation Forum (Oct 25-26). Here are some last details and info to help you prepare for your travel and arrival on the campus of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington.

You will see the Forum Program/Schedule posted online at​ 

1. Sound Transit ST Express Route 574 坐公车约40分钟到1个小时(在机场Bay 2搭车往南到Tacoma Dome 车站下车离会场最近一站或别站下车到旅馆,下车后可坐Uber或 Lyft到会场10分钟车程。
2. Ride Share 比较直接的反式是使用Uber, Lyft ($50-60左右看时段)或坐Shuttle

从市区或附近的旅馆到大学会场,请搭乘Uber或Lyft。一般公交不是太方便。比较大的旅馆可能提供市区内近距离的接送服务 (Van Service)。请询问旅馆前台。

Conference Site and University Address 大学会场地址
All events are held on campus at University of Puget Sound. Here is the University’s address: 
1500 North Warner Street, Tacoma, WA 98407

Campus Map & Parking Lots 校园地图及停车场 (附件)
Printable campus map is attached and also posted online
Directions for Friday Afternoon Arrival 10月25日(星期五) 下午工作坊及晚上开幕自助晚餐
Wyatt Hall Wyatt 教学大楼 3:00-8:00 Check-in 签到拿名牌 
4:00-6:30 #1, #2, #3 Add-on Workshops 三个工作坊同时在2楼进行
(Workshop participants will receive a separate message to confirm participation and for additional instructions.)
6:30-8:00 Opening Reception and Buffet Dinner 开幕自助晚餐

Friday Arrival: 星期五抵达会场请用校园地图并请细读下列停车建议,会比较好找到会场
If driving or using ride share, please use the University parking entrance on N Union Street, enter the parking lot between N 11th Street and N 18th Street. (Please see campus map attached.) Upon entering the parking lot, ask the driver to turn right and enter the upper lot (P13), or if P13 is full use the one next to it (P4 on map). P13 is right next to Wyatt Hall, which is the venue for all of our Friday events. Forum participants can park in ANY PARKING LOT on campus. If you use parking lots other than P13 or P4, please see campus map to locate Building 55.  

DIRECTIONS FOR SATURDAY ARRIVAL 10月26日(星期六) 论坛全天会议Thomas Hall Thomas 大楼 ​Tahoma Room (会场在3楼)
Saturday Arrival: 星期六抵达会场请用校园地图并请细读下列停车建议,会比较好找到会场7:45-8:30 Check in and Breakfast  会议准时在8:30展开,长途开车来的老师们请务必算好车程时间,不要着急赶路
Please follow the same directions above and park in P13 (or P4). You will then head towards the grassy area (Todd Field #46 on the map), passing Building 55 and Building 52 on your right, and then turn right when you get to the main path (before it slopes down), turn right (Building 44 Thomas Hall on your left), and then immediately take the entrance to Thomas Hall. This entrance will lead you into the 3rd floor right away, and check in is inside by the entrance. 

If you need assistance on the event day, please feel free to contact me (Lotus or 孫珞) at 253-376-7728. Text would be preferred and I can then follow up by texting back or calling back to assist you.  
What To Bring: 会场有无线网络,但请自备电脑,手机配件充电器数据线等等
1. Your laptop, iPad, flash drive, and other tech support for you to take notes, and to be used at Trade Fair Tables for sharing.
2. Unrestricted Campus WiFi will be provided to all participants during the conference weekend, however, your computer will needs to meet UPS campus security requirements. Here is the WiFi connection info:
Account Name: psvisitor14
Password: Innovation20193. Your presentation materials 参加桌组展示分享的老师请事先准备好自己需要的材料(纸版或电脑版 ),会场可以供应直立的两折海报展示板(及胶带粘胶文具),但是无法提供电脑​显示器萤幕,平板或者其他电脑设备,也无法提供复印服务。

Receptions, Meals and Beverage:Conference food and beverage are catered by the University, all are in typical western style. There will be hot water, and vegetarian options. Closing reception will offer self-served white and red wine. Workshop #4 participants will be provided with a dinner box, catered by a local Chinese Restaurant, Tacoma Szechuan, with pork and vegetarian options. If you need to bring your own food due to dietary concerns, please note that there will be a refrigerator for you to store food, but no microwave ovens within easy access. 

Safe travel, and look forward to seeing you at Puget Sound!


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