I have read more reports and heard from more colleagues these two years that the Chinese program enrollment numbers have either plateaued or decreased. At my university, enrollment has remained in general strong, however, last year, we did see one of our smallest incoming 1st-year language classes. It might have been just a blip and the
[This is an invited post from Thomas N. Rooks, 榮天漠] Introduction Daily life in mainland China has been transformed by the rise of mobile apps. For instance, mobile payment apps have turned China into a nearly cashless society, and you can now travel without buying a metro card or queuing up at a ticket counter. With
Though interest in studying Chinese as a second language has increased dramatically in the past 20 years and enrollments in Chinese have steadily grown since the mid-1990s, it is clear that the rapid growth of the 2000s is waning. A recent study by the MLA is showing that university level study of Chinese has only
Past participants of Chinese Innovation Forum are invited to share your poster session displays or any other reflections on this forum. Teachers, students of Chinese, administrators are all welcome to share your class designs, pedagogical ideas, research summaries, inquires and any comments related to the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture. Blog Submission:
This is how it started… Summer 2015 – Taitung, Taiwan 創新論壇的前身是美國明德蒙特雷國際研究學院戴金惠教授在台東2015夏天教授 “創新教與學” , “委婉語教學” 和”生態語言教育” 的學員成果展, 起名為”創新桌子” , 當時起的標語口號就叫:從臺東的感動出發,到華語的創新彼岸 1st International Chinese Innovation ForumOctober 18, 2015 – Monterey, California第一屆中文創新論壇由戴金惠教授發起及主辦,並由舊金山中美國際學校協辦。1st Chinese Innovation Forum Program | Post-forum Blog Entry 2nd International Chinese Innovation ForumDecember 31, 2016 – Taipei, Taiwan第二屆中文創新論壇由臺師大主辦,在師大既有之華語教學專業基礎上,挹注不同的「創新」元素。2nd Chinese Innovation Forum Info Website 3rd International Chinese Innovation